There are so many of you
that I would LOVE to have coffee with
on my patio.
You know who you are.
Alas, here we are in this online situation.
(If you'd like to explore other choices of staying connected,
there's the FB group Heal Your Life,
and the li'l podcast stories.
Just as we all learn differently, we all have preferences of virtual socializing.)
My gratitude today
is really
that my issues, fears, abuses, history
are not WORSE
than they were.
I had ____, but I'm so grateful I didn't have ____.
I often thought, growing up,
"Well, it could be worse."
I really wanted MORE.
And I got TIRED of expecting the worst.
What if people were right? What if I was worthy of more?
What if I
was worthy
of the BEST
life has to offer?
It wasn't until this week, that I was able to forgive
"all the things" because
I finally let go of being A VICTIM.
When we are classifying ourselves as victim, we need
someone to blame or to be the abuser.
When we continue to classify them as our abuser, we continue
with the victim story.
When we continue with the victim story
I no longer am interested in hurting myself
TODAY'S DEEP BREATHE: here's a practical juju nugget, a collective Next Best Decision.
I'm having a lot of fun
prepping for the Heal Your Life class this week.
It's fun to have a project.
I feel clear about
what I want to share with you,
what I have to share,
what I've learned through doggedly insisting on living by my own experience and
formal training too.
I have some wisdom
that I've been sitting on.
And I believe I have enough confidence to share it.
I'm going to lay it all down.
I can imagine
classmates might think things like:
that seems too simple, and disregard it.
Or they might think,
"that seems over-complicated," and disregard it.
But if one of you
cocks your head and
considers the value
of implementing just one new thing.
I'm going after the one.
Today's nugget is titled 'hard stuff'
I believe we are spirits wearing bodies.
(It's ok if you don't.)
In order to live fuller,
more joyful lives,
it kinda helps
for the brain to be aware of
and listen to the voice of the soul.
Got issues in your life?
Ask them what they think about it.
Out loud.
And sit there and feel the response in your body.
That's all I'm laying down today.
